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Bilingual Teaching – A Guiding Principle

In our globalised world, communicative structures and the working environment are changing in such a way that people / students use English far more often both in the private and professional sectors. Studies show that “additive bilingual programs are associated with content area achievement and proficiency in the second language and the home language and with improved self-esteem and cross-cultural attitudes”. (Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education, E. Howard & K. Leary et al, 2018)
In this context, the bilingual classes at Hans and Sophie Scholl-Gymnasium aim to achieve near bilingualism by increasing the contact with the English language from grade 5 onwards. The increased contact is supported by teaching certain subjects in English (s. table 1 below).
The Bilingual Department at the HSS Ulm
The bilingual department celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2020. The bilingual classes are a true success story which have proved very popular among students and parents alike.
A highlight for many bilingual students is the English-speaking exchange program with the bilingual department of the Scala College in Alphen, Netherlands in Grade 8. Here they can finally practice the intercultural competences they have acquired over the years. In 2023, we can finally continue this exchange after almost a 2 year break due to Corona restrictions… 😉.

The Bilingual Program at Hans and Sophie Scholl-Gymnasium
The two tables below show that students are being taught more English per week in grades 5 and 6. The second table shows which subjects are taught in English in which grade.

Requirements for the bilingual programme
If you are considering sending your child to the bilingual programme, he or she should have the following qualities:
- Your child should be motivated to learn independently.
- Your child should have a positive working attitude.
- Your child should have a good ability to express him/herself.
- Your child should not have any reading or spelling difficulties.
- He/she should achieve at least a grade 2 („good“) in the subjects German and Mathematics.
The pedagogical concept of bilingual teaching

Bilingual lessons in English focus on the students. Factual and linguistic demands are met by using activity-based methods, such as working in small groups and using authentic English sources.
The number of students in the bilingual classes is often smaller, which is a tremendous advantage.
IABW and the Bilingual Certificate
Students participating in the bilingual course have the opportunity to acquire the “Internationale Abitur Baden-Württemberg“.
Successful completion the bilingual course is recognised with the bilingual certificate from the state Baden-Württemberg in addition to their Abitur certificate.
Head of the Bilingual Department
Michael Höllerbauer, Abteilungsleiter Fremdsprachen und bilinguales Profil
Telefon: (0731) 161 36 82 (Sekretariat)